| 1. | Himalaya singh 2005 white dragon 2004 小白情海翻波white dragon 2004 |
| 2. | Miyun temporary palace and qing dynasty sacrificing to white dragon pool 密云行宫与清王朝对白龙潭的祭祀 |
| 3. | Once again the white dragon shall rise up and will invite over a daughter of germany 再一次,白色的龙会上升起来,越过一位德国的女儿。 |
| 4. | White dragon horse : i am willing to be a friend of you , i also a cucurbit flute aficionado 白马:愿和大家朋友,我也是葫芦丝的痴迷者qq70151088 0595 - 3838089 |
| 5. | The stamp sheetlet features a $ 5 stamp depicting the red and white dragon - eye , which belongs to the dragon type $ 5邮票小型张-红白龙睛红白龙睛属龙种。 |
| 6. | Across the brook are the purple cloud bridge , the scenery watching bridge , the famous spring bridge and the white dragon bridge 共有三座桥横跨桃花溪:紫云桥观景桥名泉桥和白桥。 |
| 7. | The seed of the white dragon shall be rooted up from our little gardens and what is left of its progeny shall be decimated 白色的龙的后代将会在我们的小花园扎根,离去的后代将会被杀害。 |
| 8. | Thinking that she might soon die , the cleaning lady , the righteous " white dragon " , passed all her inner power on to phoenix 大婶以为自己不久于人世,把功力悉数传给黑凤,原来她正是行侠仗义的大白。 |
| 9. | The white dragon is similar to the dragon in the neverending story , and the character design of the gods reminds us of tsui hark s 此片的故事继承了宫崎骏动画的一贯特色,是以一个小孩子为主角的冒险故事。 |
| 10. | But when white dragon and the blind swordsman subsequently fall for each other , they decide to world together and combat the crown prince , who has a sinister plan of his own 为了能以最完美面貌与二皇子相见,黑凤身穿一身白衣,于城内劫富济贫,飞侠小白美誉从此而来。 |